Get Out the Vote

Create a poster or video to help Get Out the Vote!

AIGA members, you’re invited to create nonpartisan posters and videos that inspire the American public to participate in the electoral process and vote in this year’s general election.
AIGA’s Get Out the Vote 2012 campaign, an AIGA Design for Democracy initiative, enables designers to engage in the public arena by contributing to a coordinated voter mobilization campaign. By motivating eligible citizens to register and turn out on election day, Get Out the Vote fulfills an ongoing AIGA objective of demonstrating the value of design to the public, public officials and business by providing a clear call to action for an activity that is important to everyone.
AIGA members are encouraged to submit designs by July 1, 2012. The ability to submit a design is a benefit of AIGA membership.
All posters will be available as PDFs for the public to download, print and hang up locally, and we encourage you to share video and poster entries with your friends, colleagues and social networks.
See this year’s submissions, download a design brief, submit your entries and share them with your friends and colleagues—visit the Get Out the Vote Gallery to get started!

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